Monday, December 2, 2013

MGA Fall Show Little Treasures 2013

Here are two of my latest paintings finished in the late summer early fall 2013.
The first painting is completely acrylic with a limited palette of black/white/mauve/silver. I called this one Shangri-La. Does it give you any emotion? of what? let me know.
The turquoise/blue/gold one actually has some hints of rose in it as well. It is covered in resin as taught to me by Marilyn McKay of the MGA. That is why the flash shines on the surface somewhat. I called it Blue Lagoon. It came second at the Markham Fair this fall. I should have called it Turquoise Lagoon:) There is no brown in this painting. The bottom is dark navy blue. Picasa Photo program isn't that perfect at  reproducing colours accurately. You are really seeing the colours of the chair the painting is rested upon reflected off of the resin finish.Both paintings are much better (IMHO) in real life as you are not seeing the gold and silver accents on the computer screen.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Markhaven Mural

I have just completed my mural section for the second mural done by the MGA for another building in the community of Markham.Please look carefully and see what you can find in it. The first mural that the MGA completed is now in the library in Cornell Village of Markham and the second will go into Markhaven. The overall picture is a composite of several photographs of Toogood Pond, taken by Linda McIntosh one of our members, with Karen Grimshaw assisting. Linda is putting the whole piece together and Allen Class will make a frame for both pieces.                   

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Here is the painting I just finished for a Jack and Jill  raffle table. What does it remind you of? I named it for a type of turquoise that has red in it.

Mural by the Markham Group of Artists

                                                                             Directly above is the square that I did for this mural which now hangs in the Cornell Library in Markham. My square has the bottom of his left arm and part of the book. This was fun but challenging to do. Each square had to be a painting all unto itself and also a part of the whole image.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Here is Sanctuary. It reminds me of stain glass windows in a church or century home.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Didi's workshop

 Here are two of the three paintings I started in Didi's May workshop. The top one is Coral Flourish. Sorry Coral Flourish just sold for $275.00.
                                    This one is called Deep Purple. The centre colour is more mauve than white.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Judy's Iris

Finally it's spring again. I had left another silk painting for a while when my sister in law spied it in my studio. She has a fondness for irises and announced that she would like to buy it. Of course I replied that it would be a gift but I just needed to touch it up a know how that goes. But I did get at it and finished it to my liking. Now it is ready to be framed by Peter Moon of Bordered Image.